Letter of Compliance

What is a Letter of Compliance?

A Letter of Compliance is a confirmation that the location of building(s) on the property comply with the requirements of the Town of Nobleford’s Land Use Bylaw. A Letter of Compliance is usually required in the sale of property in order to protect their client’s investments. The Town does not require you to get a Letter of Compliance.

How To Obtain a Letter of Compliance:

In order to obtain a Letter of Compliance, a request must be submitted by the applicant. Requests are made by paying the Letter of Compliance fee of $30.00 as well as submitting two copies of an original Real Property Report (one for the Town to keep in the property file). A Real Property Report should be less than two (2) years old. If the Real Property Report is older than two (2) years old, from that date of request, the applicant must make a Statuatory Declaration to confirm that no new development has been added or other changes made to the property. The Town will not accept Real Property Reports which are ten (10) years or older. The Letter of Compliance may take up to ten (10) business days to be issued. When the Letter of Compliance is completed, the Town will contact the applicant.

For more information on Letters of Compliance, please read the corresponding policy.

Policy 02-21 Letter of Compliance