Updated utility rates according to the Town of Nobleford Bylaw No. 704 (<- if you click the link, it will open the bylaw in a new tab), the "Utility Rates Bylaw", passed on February 24, 2025:
The Town of Nobleford is the only municipality within Lethbridge County that produces its drinking water. Raw water is sourced from the LNID Canal and stored in reservoirs during the summer months. From these reservoirs, the water is pumped to the Membrane Filtration plant for treatment before being distributed to customers. Nobleford prides itself in treating its water and supplying it to its residents, Barons, and Lethbridge County.
Residential Rate:
Base rate of $55.50/bi-monthly
Plus $0.83/m3 for 0-100m3,
Plus $1.71/m3 for 101m3 and over
Commercial Rate:
Base Rate of $55.50/bi-monthly
Plus $1.76/m3 for 0-100m3,
Plus $1.81/m3 for 101-250m3,
Plus $1.86/m3 for 251-500m3,
Plus $1.92/m3 for 501-1000m3, and
Plus $1.97/m3 for 1001m3 and over
Bulk Water:
Outside-Corporate-Limits-of-Nobleford Rate:
$120.00/bi-monthly plus $3.30/m3 for 42m3 and over
Bulk Rate:
Bulk Rate via Hydrant:
Note: Base rates are per service line. Properties without operating meters may be subject to water billing penalties of $200.00 bi-monthly, and disconnection. A $50.00 reconnection fee shall apply.
Nobleford's sewage is directed north of town to the wastewater lagoon, which recently underwent a massive upgrade to continue supporting the town’s sewer needs.
Residential Rate:
Commercial Rate:
High Use Non-Residential Rate:
Institutional Rate:
Note: Base rates are per unit.
The Lethbridge Regional Waste Management Service Commission (LRWMSC) has partnered with the Town of Nobleford to provide garbage services to residents. The Town of Nobleford disposes of all collected garbage at the designated Transfer Station, which the LRWMSC removes once it's full. The Transfer Station is also providing waste- and recycling solutions for residents.
Transfer Station hours of operation: Thursday & Friday: 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Garbage pickup will occur every Monday. If it is a statutory holiday, pickup will occur the following day.
Residential Rate:
Commercial Rate:
Institutional Rate:
Commercial Cardboard Pickup Surcharge:
Note: Base rates are per unit.